Poets in Autumn seeks to cultivate new talent by sharing a God given platform to reach the world with the gospel through poetry. There will be a 5 min spot carved out during the VIP session at PIA shows this Fall to acknowledge local talent. Spoken word artists throughout the U.S. are encouraged to submit, one artist (poet or worship leader) may be selected per city.
Submission Deadline:
Instructions (Poets)
1. Fill out the form below
2. Type "Poetry Submission" in subject section.
3. Make sure to copy and paste a link of your 1 minute video clip of your minute spoken word performance in the message section.
Instructions (worship leader/ band)
1. Fill out the form below
2. Type "Worship Submission" in subject section.
3. Make sure to copy and paste a link of your 1 minute video clip in the message section.